"Unthinking respect
for authority
is the greatest
enemy of truth.
for authority
is the greatest
enemy of truth.
Albert Einstein
"No oppression is
so heavy or lasting
as that which is inflicted
by the perversion and
exorbitance of legal authority."
~ Joseph Addison ~
"We too often bind ourselves by authorities
rather than by the truth."
- Lucretia Coffin Mott
so heavy or lasting
as that which is inflicted
by the perversion and
exorbitance of legal authority."
~ Joseph Addison ~
"We too often bind ourselves by authorities
rather than by the truth."
- Lucretia Coffin Mott
~Benjamin Franklin was often quoted as saying
"It is the first
of every
citizen to
Those who do not rightly question
authority may surrender to murder,
chaos, or fascism.
...Lest we forget.
If more people asked questions,
we might save millions of lives and
trillions of dollars needlessly squandered.
we might save millions of lives and
trillions of dollars needlessly squandered.
But too many voluntarily surrender to
fear, compromising their values in silence.
fear, compromising their values in silence.
strengthens authority
so much as silence."
~ Leonardo da Vinci
"The disappearance
of a sense of
is the most far-reaching
consequence of
submission to authority."
Stanley Milgram
Edmund Burke
"The ultimate authority must always
rest with the individual's own
reason and critical analysis."
"The ultimate authority must always
rest with the individual's own
reason and critical analysis."
Dalai Lama

is that to understand complex
issues (or even simple ones),
we must try to free our minds
of dogma and to guarantee the
freedom to publish, to contradict,
and to experiment.
...Arguments from authority are unacceptable."
Carl Sagan
"But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of
what he’s most assur’d,
His glassy essence,
like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks
before high heaven,
As make the angels weep."
Measure for Measure.
Act II. Sc. 2. L. 117.
"It is dangerous
to be right in matters
on which the
established authorities
are wrong."
"No moral system can rest solely on authority."
A J Ayer
"The vices of authority
are chiefly four:
delays, corruption,
roughness, and facility."
-Bacon, Francis,
Viscount St Albans
Essays, no.11,
'Of Great Place'.
"Every great advance in natural knowledge
has involved the absolute rejection of authority."
Thomas Huxley
"Authority in science exists to be questioned,
since heresy is the spring from which new ideas flow."
— John C. Polanyi
"A position of authority is neither
necessary nor sufficient
for the exercise of leadership."
Eric Werkowitz
"The faith that stands
on authority is not faith.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Unthinking respect for authority
is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Albert Einstein
"No statement should
be believed because it
is made by an authority.”
Robert A. Heinlein
“Anyone who conducts
an argument by
appealing to authority
is not using his intelligence”
Leonardo da Vinci
“All authority belongs to the people”
Thomas Jefferson
"I was bold in the
pursuit of knowledge,
never fearing to follow
truth and reason
to whatever results they led,
and bearding every authority
which stood in their way."
Thomas Jefferson
"Men in authority will always think that
criticism of their policies is dangerous.
They will always equate their policies
with patriotism, and find criticism subversive."
Henry Steele Commager
“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
Howard Zinn
|"What you need is sustained outrage...
there's far too much unthinking respect
given to authority."
Molly Ivins
"The examples of vice at home corrupt
us more quickly and easily than others,
since they steal into our minds under
the highest authority.
Decimus (Junius Juvenalis)
Juvenal c.55-c.130
Roman Satirical Poet
"An argument from authority
is but a weak kind
of proof,--it being but a
topical probation, and
an inartificial argument
depending on
naked asseveration."
- Sir Thomas Browne
"Science is not perfect. It can be misused.
It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we
have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything.
It has two rules. First: there are no sacred truths; all
assumptions must be critically examined; arguments
from authority are worthless. Second: whatever is
inconsistent with the facts must be discarded or revised.
... The obvious is sometimes false; the unexpected is
sometimes true.
— Carl Sagan
"The reason why the simpler sort are moved
by authority is the consciousness
of their own ignorance."
- Richard Hooker
"Authority has always
attracted the lowest
elements in the human race.
All through history
mankind has been
bullied by scum.
Those who lord it over
their fellows and toss
commands in every
direction and would
boss the grass in the
meadow about which
way to bend in the wind
are the most depraved kind of prostitutes.
They will submit to any indignity, perform
any vile act, do anything to achieve power.
The worst off-sloughings of the planet are
the ingredients of sovereignty. Every
government is a parliament of whores.
The trouble is, in a democracy the whores are us."
P. J. O'Rourke
"If you attack the establishment
long enough and hard enough,
they will make you a member of it."
Art Buchwald
"The public school system:
Usually a twelve-year
sentence of mind control.
Crushing creativity,
smashing individualism,
encouraging collectivism and compromise,
destroying the exercise of intellectual inquiry, twisting
it instead into meek subservience to authority."
Walter Karp
"Respect authority while questioning it.
Randy Pausch
"The wisest have the most authority."
"Perhaps nothing in our society
is more needed for those in
positions of authority
than accountability."
Larry Burkett
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